Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 26 cont & 27....The New Path Begins

Once Derek came home, I lost it again, it's the hardest feeling knowing that the glimmer of hope is taken from both him and I so quickly. We both just layed there and cried. Dr. Tjaden called after a little while and was so thoughtful. He has a way with making you feel like everything will be alright, even though in that moment it didn't feel like it. He asked if we were willing to try again. I told him it was hard to say, it's not just Derek and I we have to think about, it's also Roberta and her family. It's not as easy signing up two different parties.

I knew that this day would come, but I wasn't so sure that it would come so quickly. The word ADOPTION was always in the back of my mind, but now it would have to be brought to the for front. I had done a lot of research, as you saw in one my past posts, I named a agency that I'm really fond of. Derek & I leave for the windy city, Chicago, next week; amazingly enough the agency is only a hour away. I felt like at that moment when I realzied this, that that was God telling me that everything is in his timing and that's it's all part of his plan. I was instantly at peace with what had happened and knew we had to move on. I will forever wonder what it would have been like to have a biological child. Emby's picture will never go unoticed in the nursery that someday we will fill with a child we have been longing for.

I came across a wonderful blog about a couple's path to the decision of adoption and their process of adopting a child from Africa click here to go to their website. They had the cutest "adoption" photos. Instead of having "maternity" photos they took picutres of themselves with many cute props and things. I will be calling on my good friend Charlie to take some of these for us. I can't wait.

How cute are these. Seriously. The best idea I've ever seen and I will make sure to tell her and thank her for idea's and wonderful words. They make newby's like Derek and I feel like we can do it too.
This melted my heart. If you're reading this for the first time, please know that this blog will now change to my husband and I's journey into adoption.

If you have any information about a possible birth mother that is in need of a good home, information on good agencies that you have worked with or know of, or any good words of encouragement we would greatly appreciate it!

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