Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My Life is Now Complete

Oh how 6 months can change....I know it's been awhile and  ALOT of things have happened since my last post. People have said they've been checking my blog without any progress on our road to happiness.

Well ladies and gents......our wish came true! On December 21, 2012 god granted our biggest wish of all and our adoption was finalized at ~ 12:30pm.
 This cutie-pa-tutie became a Mullins' forever!
I can't begin to formulate the right words that this little munchkin has placed upon Derek and I.
 ( and our families).
She's made life worth every tear, heartache, and worry worth it a million times over.

Lindley Elizabeth Jo Mullins
8lbs 13oz 20 in long
Perfect from head to toe
Our adoption was fast....really fast. As in only 15 days fast.
The road to this little munchkins arrival will come in another post.
 I think Lindley deserves a post all to her self.
So I will leave you with a few many pictures of our precious baby girl!
2012 brought some UPS and downs.
I'm the happiest girl in the world at the end of it though.
What more could a girl ask for......
Here's to an amazing 2013.


  1. So happy for you both Chelsea - I know you'll be a terrific mommy - you had such a great example. Dot

  2. So incredibly happy for you both. You are a beautiful family and motherhood looks great on you :). November 12th, 2012 was a fantastic day. Brody was born at 12:35 that same day. It is amazing how God works to fulfill the needs of our hearts. Enjoy every moment with your beautiful little miracle. :)

